Sunday, April 22, 2012


aku addicted lagi.
susahnye nak get away from those temptation.
im once pisahkan diri dari those thing.
but it came again.

now, im cannot do anything proper, or beneficial to myself.
i've been trapped by his sweet talks.
i've been charmed by all his feeling.
and im done with it now.

im done with you jacob.
yeah, im done with your superimposed body in twilight.
you damn hot and sexy.

oh my gosh.
what a weird thinking i had.

i got a feeling, that he's really handsome dengan kumis yang tak berapa nak di-shave dengan betul. 
damn sexy, beb.
tergoda i.
just for bella, dont you feel itchy or something when he kiss your cheeks?

i dont know why, whenever i saw him, i keep remembered about my old friend. same eye gazing. cute but shy.

ok, enough with the weird memory.
he's no more remember me, i guess.

kalaulah dia leh baca blog nie,
there's one thing i want to say,
mr. M.S, kenapa ko tak penah tegur aku kalau we bumped in the road.
do you really hate me?
because i like you.
as a friend.
and i miss you.
as a friend too.

don't take seriously about the rumours that spread in our residence.
people in our neighbourhood loves scandal.
you won't die with that small rumours, isn't it?
but then, kalaulah you ever read my post.
and you ever found my blog.
it will take a year for me then to come out from my house.
malu nak jumpa ko.
(^_____^)-nie emoticon blushing face.

all this weird post is due to twilight saga: breaking dawn part 1.
im fall in love again with the movie.
and im done watching it.
i mean, im done downloding it.

yeah, people like me.
as long as i dont have to pay, i'll grab those oppurtunity.

the point i want to share with you people is,
im done watching the movie.
that's all.
thanks for your time to read my entry.

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