Monday, October 1, 2012

women women whomein~

-The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.-

one thing i discovered about being a women is,

i cant live alone without a roomate.
women like me,
all women,
we love to talk.

when i had to stayed 2 days in narrow stuffed room alone,
im about to became crazy.
i had no one to talk.
nothing moving to turn one's head.
no voice could be heard.
the only companion that i had was my laptop.
it does make a sound and the moving things on the screen.

at least,
i had something to laugh about.

now i wonder,
macam mana student back then sebelum laptop were invented
diorang spend masa kat asrama.

adakah mereka 24 jam menghabiskan masa dengan menelaah pelajaran?

semangat dan sanity level pelajar dulu memang ditahap membanggakan.

coz i,
cant never do that since i am the y generation.
bila aku dilahirkan,

ipad, iphone, blackberry dan samsung galaxy note dah ada kat depan mata.
macam mana aku nak didik diri aku agar tak boleh lepas dengan keindahan intenet.

memang tak lah kan~

(all picture credits to

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