Thursday, February 23, 2012

he's seriously creative


why arabs shouldn't teach

i don't know how arabian teach their son at home.
but i guess the video  had told us everything.
maybe not every father who's arabian is actually like that.
maybe certain of them.
but this guy is seriously funny for me.
his name is subhi taha.
a male. quite handsome. hahaha
he's mixed. a palestinian father and filiphino mother.
he's claimed that he just 19.
now living in texas.

his arab' accent is sounds cute.
actually, one of my friends, post this video on my facebook wall.
i thought he's living somewhere in egypt or maybe united arab emirates.
but he was moved to texas.
from the video, i can feel it, man.
i can feel how pressure the boy if his father really teach him like that.
mungkin sifat garang tu dah sebati dengan orang arab.
presuure dowh kalau bapak aku ajar aku cam tu.
rasa macam nak je cakap macam nie kat bapak aku.
"dulu kat sekolah cikgu abah tak ajar cakap pelan2 ea?"
kuang ajar kan ayat tu.
nasib baiklah bapak aku tak pernah ajar aku.
dia cuma antar aku gi sekolah je, suwuh cikgu yang didik aku hal dunia.
by the way, he's still new in vlogging i think.
only three or four video he was  upload on youtube.

tu je nak share.
now, open new tabs, google for his picture.
orang handsome, sure akan di stalker.
typical perempuan. macam aku. hahahah.

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