Wednesday, June 6, 2012

rejap yang mulia

women buy stuff at sales for the same reason men climb mountain-because they're there.

[post aku ni asyik sajak memanjang.
tapi aku kisah, blog aku kan~]

she used to be someone important to me.
she used to be my best problem listener,
she used to be my best problem solver,
she used to be someone i keep called 'adik',
she used to be someone that i can rely one when i feel lazy to do the 'home' work,
she used to be someone that really close to my heart.

but on one fine day,
without im aware and expected,
unexplained unintended awful tragic bloody accident happened.

i've been hurt to the max,
by this someone,
who i thought would love me to infinity.

I thought the heat until kepetang, apparently rain in tengahari.
ni translate directly dari google.
google tak faham rupanya perktaan kalau kita tulis bersambung dengan imbuhan.
cam dowh je bunyi nye.

eh, menyimpang plak.

but know i realize,[back in poemy mood]

chopped water will not break.
again directly ambik dri google translate.

jadi bersempena bulan rejab yang mulia ni,
aku nak mengambil kesempatan untuk mngucapkan kata kata ini.

~aku maafkan kamu.
~tak perlu kita bertemu
~cukup kau tahu.

-timbul tenggelam, timbul tenggelam.
-acapkali terpendam, acapkali...    !!

maafkan saya,
terlampau feel sampai ter-rap pulak.

bukan rap tu yang aku nak tekankan.
tapi nyanyian tang jamal abdillah tu yang aku nak sentuh.

ya, bersyukkurlah.
akhirnya terbukak pintu hati aku untuk terima maaf kau.

akhirnya aku sedar,
mangkin aku benci ko,
mangkin aku sakit hati,
mangkin aku rasa bersalah.
mangkin aku malu nak menghadap tuhan dengan hati yang kotor.

akhir kata,

terimalah kemaafan ku buat mu.

lepas ni aku nak pizza hut depan bilik aku.

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