Friday, June 22, 2012

he's my knight

A little boy asked his father, "Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?" Father replied, "I don't know son, I'm still paying."

happy father's day to my abah.
the best abah in my eyes.

thanks for every money, energy and time you spent to raise me up.
thanks to let me be your daughter who can see how kind you were when raise me up.
thanks for taking a good a care on me even when im disappointed you with my bad results.
thanks for sending me back and forth to my college every two weeks.
thanks for let me called you abah for the rest of my life.
thanks for never complain on how hard to make me be your big girl.
thanks for your pray everyday that you dedicated to me.
thanks for allowed me to see how beautiful world with you smile when looking at me growing up as your daughter.

thanks for everything that you did to make who i am today.
hanya Allah mampu membalas segala jasa, budi baik dan kebajikan yang abah buat untuk kita..
semoga abah diberikan kesihatan, dipanjangkan umur dan diberikan kemudahan dalam segala urusan
dan semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi abah
dan semoga syurga menjadi tempat abadi buat abah, insyaalah.

hanya terima kasih sahaja ayat yang termampu kita ucapkan untuk segala yang abah buat untuk kita.

the two men in my life. my abah and my lil' bro. the best one forever. 
although, sometimes one of them do make me annoying very much.
but i love them.
ketinggian adik aku memang melebih2 antara kami sekeluarga.
and i'm in 'katik' kategori.
damn, i hate those nickname.

sorry for the gramatical error. im a student who still learning.

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